Dustin Slaughter

Hometown? Rogers, Arkansas

What got you into mountain biking? My stepdad gave me my first dirt bike when I was about nine and that was the spark. Motocross wasn’t a sustainable sport for us, and my mom hated it, so when I found the local bmx track I started racing there. It wasn’t until Slaughter Pen that I decided to buy a mountain bike, since then I can’t get enough.

Favorite spot to ride in the Ozarks? The Buffalo Headwaters, it’s kinda like pizza, even when it’s bad it is still good..

Claim to fame? Mountain Flyer published a cover of me. I still don’t have a copy.

Beer of choice? Ozark IPA


Nick Castro

Hometown? Gnarkansas, AR

What got you into mountain biking? A long time friend invited me to go for a ride five years ago, I was hooked immediately.

Favorite spot to ride in the Ozarks? Leatherwood Gravity Project... hello, shuttles!!!! 

Claim to fame? Managing food to feed over 300 racers, 4 meals, all in 48 hrs, and managing to party in the pits until early in the morning. 

Beer of choice? New Belgian Voodoo Ranger IPA